So, Steve is sick. It's just a summer cold, but it's hit him hard and nothing seems to be helping. Alex was feeling snuffly yesterday, but doesn't seem to be too bad, but I've got 2 sick boys around the house. Urgh.
Combine that with everything else, like, I'm behind in my class and have a ton to do to catch up, the lawn hasn't been mowed because Steve's sick, we're out of gas for the mower and the mower is hiding behind a bunch of stuff for the basement walls. Steve invited friends over for Sunday, so I need to cook and grocery shop and clean. And that's the heart of this rant.
Steve used to be really good about cleaning. Not so much lately. And he's the one that's home. I come home from work to find that nothing has really been done and he wants to know what's for dinner. Seriously.
Thinking about this, he's lucky he's still alive.
But I can't really complain this week, because he's too sick to do anything! Anytime I ask him to do something, he tries, but it gets to be too much. Yesterday, though, I asked him to keep an eye on Alex long enough for me to empty the silverware from the dishwasher, but he assures me he'll do it. Later on, I try to empty the dishwasher, but no, he says, he'll do it. I woke up this morning and I emptied the dishwasher.