Any adoption lawyers in Upperstate NY?
Background: Last summer, Family services in their county contacted my aunt (A) and uncle (J)about possible adopting a five-year-old boy (B). B's birth mother is living, but she doesn't have custody of him and he had been in foster care with one woman (L) for most of his life. A and J had been led to believe that L decided since she was getting older that she didn't want to adopt him. They met him, but when things fell through, they went ahead with plans to move to North Carolina. My uncle's business is still in New York, though, so they kept their house, etc, still.
In November, Family Services called and said that some of the obstacles to adopting him had been cleared; were they still interested? Well, of course they were, but they had already decided to move to NC and if that would be a problem, they didn't want to get anyone's hopes up if that would be a problem. They were assured it wouldn't be.
For the last few months, they've been in NC. B is in school, actually doing well, thriving, and basically becoming a happy little boy.
Now: At the most recent adoption hearing, they found out L has hired an attorney and is suing for custody.
And she'll probably get him.
A & J have contacted a few lawyers and so far, none will take the case. L maybe declared unfit due to some other things they've figured out since B's been living with him, but one lawyer said she had custody of him for longer 12 months, then she has a right(?) to see him.
I don't know. I admit, I don't really know all the details. But it seems amazing that no one they've contacted is willing to fight for this. B is happier. If doesn't stay with my aunt and uncle, he'll probably get thrown back into the foster care system.
This is ridiculous. Really ridiculous. It's just unfair that this happens.